Pricing and Rates
(2 hour minimum)
Please call at 727-223-4900 to book any tours that depart in the next 24 hours.
Private custom tours and time frames can be scheduled by phone.
We currently have a $5.00 charge for fuel (hopefully not for long).
2 Hour Tour
70Per person
Quick trip on our pontoon boat to
a secluded location, away from
boat traffic to paddle in an area
protected from wind and waves
a secluded location, away from
boat traffic to paddle in an area
protected from wind and waves
3 Hour Tour
100Per person
Our most popular tour. Just the right amout or time to enjoy yourself on a paddle out adventure
4 Hour Tour
120Per person
Travel further and have time for multiple locations in the beautiful Clearwater Beach area. So many places to see!
Award Winning Experience
Trip Advisor Awards
10 Years Running